We believe and teach that there is one God(Deut. 4.35, 39/ Isaiah 44:6/ 1 Cor 8: 4, 6), which is one and simple essence(Ex 3:14/ Ex 6) :3), Spiritual (Jn. 4:24/ 2 Cor 3:17), LORD(PS. 90 :2), Infinite(2 Ch. 6/18), Unchangeable(Mal 3.6/ Num 23:19), Merciful(Ex. 34:6-7), Righteous in all(Jer. 12.1; Ps 119.137), and Almighty< em>(Gen. 17:1)
The three persons, not confused but distinct, and yet not divided, but of one essence, eternity, power and equality (Jn. 17:5/ Rom. 1:7/ 1 Jn. 5:7/ 2 Cor. 13:13; Gal. 4:4-6).