We believe and teach that in one person, namely Jesus Christ, the two natures are truly and inseparably joined and united, each nature nevertheless remaining in its distinct property,(Mat. 1.20-21/ Luke 1:31, 32, 35, 42, 43/ Jn. 1:14/ Rom 9:5/ 1 Tim 2:5/ 3:16).
We believe in Jesus Christ our Lord(1 Cor. 12:3) , to his Eternal preexistence(Col. 1:17). He came in the flesh(John 1:1, 14,18). Born of the virgin Mary(Matt, 1:18; Luke 1:34, 35). He is perfectly God(John 5:18/ Col. 2:9/ Heb. 1:3, 6 and 8/ 1 Jn. 5: 20-21/ Rom. 9:5/ Titus 2:13 ) and perfectly Man, free from sin (Heb. 4:15). We believe in his teaching(Matt. 28:20), in his miracles (John 10: 38), to his atoning and redemptive death, in itself fully sufficient(1 John 2:12/ Heb. 9:12/ Heb. 10 :14), at his bodily resurrection(Mark 16:6/ Luke 24:39)< /em> and to his bodily ascension(Act. 1:11)< em>.
We believe in his present ministry as High Priest, from the ascension(Heb. 4:14; 8:1,2)< /em>, to his unique mediation with the Father(1 Tim. 2:5)< /span>, we believe that it is through Jesus Christ alone that Man can be saved(Acts 4:12) and in His Name alone the believer may pray(John 14:13).
We believe in his personal and visible return in power and glory(Matt. 24:30) span>to judge and to reign(Act. 17:31 Mat. 16:27,28).