We believe and teach that God manifests himself to men, first by his works, both in creation and in the conservation and conduct of these < /em>(Rom. 1:19-20). Secondly and more clearly by his Word(Rom 15:4/ Jn. 5:39/ Heb 1.1)< em>, which in the beginning revealed by oracle(Gen. 15:1/ 18:1) , was then later written down in the books that we call Holy Scripture(Ex 24:3-4/ Rom 1:2) em>.
We believe and teach the divine, plenary and verbal inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17/ 2 Peter 1:19-21) span>. It is made up of the 66 canonized books of the Old and New Testaments (Deut. 4:2/ Rev. 22:18-19). It is, the Bible, the only written Word of God, totally free from error in its original writing, specific revelation, It is the only sovereign and infallible authority in matters of faith and life < span style="color: #226e8e;">(Rom. 15:4/ Matt. 24:35).
We believe and teach that God manifests himself to men, first by his works, both in creation and in the conservation and conduct of these < /em>(Rom. 1:19-20). Secondly and more clearly by his Word(Rom 15:4/ Jn. 5:39/ Heb 1.1)< em>, which in the beginning revealed by oracle(Gen. 15:1/ 18:1) , was then later written down in the books that we call Holy Scripture(Ex 24:3-4/ Rom 1:2) em>.
We believe and teach the divine, plenary and verbal inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16-17/ 2 Peter 1:19-21) span>. It is made up of the 66 canonized books of the Old and New Testaments (Deut. 4:2/ Rev. 22:18-19). It is, the Bible, the only written Word of God, totally free from error in its original writing, specific revelation, It is the only sovereign and infallible authority in matters of faith and life < span style="color: #226e8e;">(Rom. 15:4/ Matt. 24:35).