Fertility is the ability to reproduce. The very first blessing pronounced by the Lord God on man and woman was for them to be fruitful. Today, theories with economic, political and social concerns, etc., have wanted to hinder the accomplishment of this divine will. This biblical study aims to reframe God’s objective with regard to this grace, through the sacred texts.
Gen 1:28: “Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth” The mood of this verb is the imperative. But the imperative expresses a fact not (yet) realized in the form of an order.
It has the character of an absolute order; it expresses the command, a necessity from which we cannot escape.
The mode of the verb expresses
1. an order
2. An imperative prescription (imperious: authoritarian; pressing; irresistible).
The word of God expressed in Gen. 1:28 means that God has placed in us all the capacity for procreation, and that we have an obligation to produce results.
NB: The sentence does not say:
“God blessed them, saying: Be fruitful, multiply; fill the earth »
If this were so, it means that all of God’s blessing is formulated in this order. In other words, it is a command and not a blessing. Because it does not take into account a prior action of God on man.
He who does not is like the man to whom God had given talents to bear fruit and who buried them in the ground until his master returned. When it came time to take stock, he was rejected and called a wicked servant. He even saw the talent that his master had given him taken away and handed over to someone else, the one who had selflessly used the talents his master had entrusted to him. (Mat 25:14-30)
If you do not bear children according to the commandment of the Lord, you will give him an account (Math 25:15)
NB: Let’s focus on verse 26
Wicked and lazy servant: “Wicked”: because you have not considered the graces and abilities that your God has put to your benefit. “Lazy”: because you have not been able to bear fruit what God has placed in your hands.
NB: If there is a blockage in the execution of God’s order for you, you are required to pray until the Lord answers you. If you resign yourself to the obstacles, to the execution of the order, you fall into the actions of the ill-inspired and ill-skilled worker-servant.
To convince us, let us read Gen 25:20-21 “Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of Padan-aram, and sister of Laban the Aramaic.” Isaac implored the Lord for his wife, because she was barren, and the Lord heard him: Rebekah his wife became pregnant. »
Let us specify for all practical purposes that Rebecca, wife of Isaac, suffered from 20 (twenty) years of sterility (Gens 25:20,21,26), but under the insistence of her husband (Isaac) in prayer, the Lord God was moved to deliver them from barrenness by giving them children (Gen 25:21).
If the man throws in the towel in prayer, the woman must stand up and insist before God in prayer as was the case of Hannah (mother of the prophet Samuel), until she obtains before her God gain of cause (having your child) (1 Sam 1:15-17,20).
If you don’t have children, you will have been useless because after you, there will be no memory of you, and nothing will remain of you. But he who has children and no longer lives, has a memory which is expressed through those he left behind (that is to say his children), Read 1 Sam 24:21 -23/2 Sam 18:18.
But saying:
God blessed them and said: “Be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth. »
This means that there was an action of God on man beforehand before God obliged him to the result because the “and”, a coordinating conjunction here indicates a simultaneous action and highlights two combined actions of God .
The blessing of God, granted to man expressed in man’s capacity to procreate (man has everything he needs to produce children).
The obligation of result imposed on man by God expressed in the words: “be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth”.
To better understand, let’s read Gen 1:28 in the Darby Version.
“And God blessed them; and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it…”
In this text we see both actions clearly expressed.
THE OBLIGATION OF RESULT THEN: “…And God said to them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it…”
We mean that God gave man the full capacity to procreate. And man therefore has an obligation to achieve results.
Obstacle: What fertility faces
Barren: Referring to a woman or man who cannot have children (Gen 16:2)